Certificate & Permission

  • Workplace industrial waste collection & transportation
  • Workplace domestic waste collection & transportation
  • Specified waste collection & transportation
  • Freight vehicle transportation business license
  • Personal freight vehicle transportation business (eco-friendly vehicle)
  • Patent on the method for reducing odor from dried sewage sludge by polymer coating
  • Certificate of Women Enterprise
  • Certificate of promising SM
  • Acquired Risk assessment recognition certification
  • Acquired family-friendly certification
  • Acquired dedicated R&D department certification
  • Certificate of Recognition
  • Workplace industrial waste collection & transportation business license

  • Workplace domestic waste collection & transportation business license

  • Specified waste collection & transportation business license

  • Freight vehicle transportation business license

  • Personal freight vehicle transportation business license (eco-friendly vehicle)

  • Patent on the method for reducing odor from dried sewage sludge by polymer coating

  • Certificate of Women Enterprise

  • Certificate of promising SME

  • Family friendly certificate

  • Risk assessment recognition certificate

  • Certificate of dedicated R&D division

  • Certificate of promising company